
Showing posts from June, 2019
How Does Activated Carbon Work? How Does Activated Carbon Work? This article comes from the Battling the Benzene An explosion at a Chinese chemical plant two weeks ago spilled a 50-mile slick of benzene into the Songhua River, which provides drinking water for the city of Harbin. After the accident, the Chinese government made plans to ship 1,000 tons of activated carbon to the city’s water treatment facilities and to dump more carbon straight into the river. Russian authorities—who expect the pollution to reach the city of Khabarovsk within the next few weeks—are shipping 50 tons of activated carbon to local treatment plants. How can activated carbon clean up a spill? Through adsorption. Carbon has a natural affinity for organic pollutants like benzene, which bind to its surface. If you “activate” carbon—by steaming it at 1,800 degrees, for example—it forms little pores and pockets that increase its surface area. (It’s said that a teaspoon of activat...

About Activated Charcoal and the Fountain of Youth

The Fountain of Youth may exist after all.  It was the Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon who searched for the Fountain of Youth. Unfortunately, he never did find it. Imagine if he had. Don't you believe that the water emanating from such a fountain would be absolutely pure? One way for such a pure natural fountain to come about would be by filtering an underground stream through a source of activated carbon. Such is possible in nature in a volcanic zone, where subterranean lava flows, in the presence of other minerals, could produce activated carbon. The ability of water to keep the body healthy and hydrated, coupled with activated carbon’s ability to bind impurities is therapeutic. While it may not be able to reverse the aging process, regularly drinking from such a source could keep one looking younger than their years. Fortunately for us, we can produce a similar effect simply by making activated charcoal and lots of water a part of our regul...

The Best Thing Since Filtered Water

We can filter our water and our air. However, there is no way to filter our food. This means that even if the water and air don't kill you, your food still can. Thankfully there is something we can do about this problem.  That is to take activated charcoal. By making activated charcoal a part of your daily routine, you will have covered all the bases. The best part is that it is a natural supplement and cost only pennies per day. To find out more about activated charcoal and if it's right for you, please click on the link below and read the product description for Sauveur Noir Activated Charcoal . As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Sauveur Noir Activated Charcoal Click here to learn more !

Why They Put Chemicals in Our Food

The food industry in the United States is a 1.5 trillion dollar business. Much of this food is perishable. Without preservatives and refrigeration, the cost of feeding the country would be much higher. Truth be told food preservation has literally made it possible for the US to grow as it has. The problem is that all of those preservatives come at a price to our health. In recent years preservative free and organic foods have become popular with consumers for this very reason. Although they are healthier options, they are expensive. What to do? Well, until further notice we should all be adding activated charcoal to our daily health regime. It can bind toxic substances. Thus making it possible to avoid having them build up in our tissue only to later trigger various diseases. The best part is that not only is activated charcoal a natural substance, but it is also inexpensive. To find out more about Sauveur Noir Activated Charcoal , click on the link below, and read the...
The Power  of Activated Charcoal is Real Uncommon knowledge makes all of the difference in the world. Most people don't know that a single black capsule full of activated charcoal has the ability to cleanse the body of impurities. Toxic substances in our food, air, and even the water we drink can build up ultimately causing us to get sick. Some such as chlorine are known carcinogens, responsible for many forms of cancer. You owe it to yourself  and your family to cleanse your body of these poisons by making Sauveur Noir Activated Charcoal a part of your daily health regime. You will look better, feel better, and be healthier by doing so. This is what prevention looks like. Click on the following link for more information and to order Sauveur Noir today!